Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Black Rock Trail to Casa Vieja Meadow

June 14, 2015: temperature pushing through 90 degrees in Kennedy Meadows. Time for Mary and me to head up the mountain for a hike in the cooler air of the higher elevations.  Thirty minutes later we stopped at Black Rock Ranger Station, always the place for great advice. "Where to go for a medium hike for a few hours?"  A few options offered, and the two plus mile hike to Casa Vieja Meadow would be the choice for this afternoon. It begins at Black Rock Trailhead, a short eight mile drive further up the road,

Black Rock Trailhead--direction Casa Vieja Meadow; Starting Altitude about 8880 ft., about 2.5 miles down to about 8280 ft. 

After a short distance we entered the "Golden Trout Wilderness"

Much to our surprise we saw a "family" of  Snow Plants (or Snow Flowers).  These plants were one of the main subjects of my June 3, 2015 Blog Post.  We were to see quite a few more in the first half mile or so of this hike.  On the road back towards the Ranger Station we saw several more along the side of the road.

A "Family" of Four; First of many sightings during the day,
Wonderful, easy hike down amongst several varieties of large pine.

Cool temps in the shadows of great pines made for perfect hiking conditions.

Creek Crossing just before coming to Casa Viejo Meadow

First View of Casa Vieja Meadow

Doc Peak (in Center); Doc Peak trivia:
Is 8766 ft high; Is 821st highest mountain in CA and the 7091st highest mountain in the US

As I crossed the Meadow towards the buildings, I came across a creek, which had not been visible until I was right upon it.  Saw two fish about 6-7" long, trout, I assume, in crystal clear water.

While the 2.5 mile journey back up was enjoyable, it was a lot more work, being all up hill, but:

 Another SDS afternoon!

Always a Welcome Sight!  The "Chariot", For the Ride Back Down

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