Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Visit to an Old Friend & Visits by a New Friend and an Old Friend

An Old Friend Visited:
Son Matthew and family hike along the river.  A stop on this journey would be to visit an old friend, a grand old tree. The post from January 1, 2015 had a picture of this grand tree, with "The Tree Hugger" giving it a big hug [The Original Tree Hugger. ]

1st Hug on Jan 1 2015 by "The Tree Huggeer"

We we figured it needed another big hug so the whole family gave it one.

Hugs by all for this grand tree!

Visit From a New Friend:
Our New Friend,The Coast Horned Lizard, mentioned in the previous post, visited again.  He spent quite some time digging with all fours.  Not sure the purpose.  Thought at first he was looking for food but he never looked back.  Thought maybe he was a she and was going to bury eggs, but didn't make a hole, just seemed to scratch the surface and move on and do it all over again.

Visit From an "old friend"
Sunday was Elaina's 10th birthday.We just hung out around the cabin, but were quite busy.  Jeep, motorcycle and ATV rides were some of the activities of the day.  On one ATV ride Brian and Broden just about ran over a big snake.  They hurried back to announce their find.  They reported it was NOT a rattlesnake, but it was Big, maybe five feet long or more!!!! Also, seemed fatter than usual so maybe it had recently eaten. I grabbed my reference book and we all followed Broden & Brian on foot, the 100 plus yards or so to the point of the sighting.  In just a minute or two, the snake's position was found.  It was quickly identified as a Pacific Gopher snake, with a clear view of the "clowns tear" beneath the eye.  It was at least five feet long.  We all stood behind and to the side for several minutes and watched it slither away up into the rocks. I told Elain that Mother Nature sent this special gift for her to see.
Look closely, we think perhaps our friend had recently eaten (much thicker towards back)

As I walked back to the cabin, the thought occurred to me that this may be the same Pacific Gopher snake that visited Mary and me last July 1  The one I had carried away to the woods, away from the cabin. The spot where I had carried it to and released it was only about 200 yards or so from the place we saw today's snake.  Upon my return I reviewed my pictures from that encounter and while I cannot be certain, I think the probability high that this is indeed the snake of last summer....thus a visit from an "old friend". [Our Initial Meeting]
Our 1st Meeting July 1, 2014

I think it special and very fortunate, to have such diversity of  "friends".

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