Monday, April 20, 2015

Little Bits of This, Little Bets On That and Other Little Things

This past weekend was filled with a "little bits"

Little Bits of chores, Little Bits of Fun, Little Bets and Other Little Things

Little Hike on Saturday testing out a new 50L pack back....I like it!

"Little Bit" of Bird watching.

My new wood pecker friend was really going at it on one of the dead Pinyon pine trees. The echos of his work was the only sound to be heard on this peaceful late afternoon.  Got a decent look at it but couldn't confirm at 100% the species.  Was unsure of whether it to be a Downy or Hairy Woodpecker. If I was to make a "Little Bet", I believed it to be a male Downy.  He was fun to watch. I am amazed they don't get a "Little" headache with all the pecking they do.

Downy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

We hung a hummingbird feeder Saturday afternoon and we made a "Little Bet" how long it would take them to find it. They found it in less than 24 hours. One "Little Guy", perhaps the explorer who discovered this hummingbird "goldmine", became very protective of it, as he perched himself in a nearby tree and chased others away.

Sunday, shortly after sunrise, we were treated to a "Little Flock" of a dozen or so of Pinyon Jays, all being more than a "Little" raucous in their calls and behavior.

Pinyon Jay

A lot of "Little" Salamanders scurrying about on the trails, around the property, everywhere, seemed to be a "Little More" than I've seen of late....Are the predators soon to follow??

Took the ol' 1983 Yamaha 550 aka "The Beast" [First Real Trail Ride on "The Beast"] out of the shed just to awaken it from its long slumber. It started on first kick, as if saying it wanted to go for a ride! I obliged, and took a "Little" ride for an hour or two, just here and there, nearby.  The Beast was very happy and ran like a charm.

Sunday, opted for another training/conditioning hike up Wildrose Trail. This time I loaded the new pack back up to a total weight of 25 pounds....Discovered a 10 pound pack of Krusteaz pancake mix from Costco makes for a great backpack training weight.

On the way up there's a great view at a "Little" different angle of a the ridge to the right on the way to the campground. I do not know the name, if there is one.

Road to the campground would be to the left, about 1.7 miles up Wildrose trail

Another different view of a familiar sight; looking back, mainly south to see the first big turn in the road on the way to the campground.

Looking South from Wildrose Trail,  First Big Turn in Road on way to Campground in Center of  Pic
Continued up the familiar Wildrose Trail to it's maximum height of about 7300 feet (a gain of a "Little" over 1270 feet) which was the 2.61 Mile mark.  Decided to go down a "Little" further to what I believe is Wildrose Meadow, to which I had never before ventured. The extra half mile or so down was worth the effort. I was rewarded to a view of Olancha Peak in the distance. I have mentioned this peak before on my motorcycle trip of last fall [First Real Trail Ride] (about half way through that writing.) where I had a much closer view.

Wildrose Meadow Olancha Peak left of center

Olancha Peak from Wildrose Meadow
A safe return. The 25 pound loaded backpack was great over the 6.2 mile round trip.

On the two hikes and around our property I was amazed at the "Little Flowers". Lots of "Little Flowers" in the middle of plain old sand.  Some in small clusters but many singular.  Easy to miss, but once I paid attention they seemed to be everywhere.  How they can flower in the middle of the sand I do not know.

"Little White Five Pedal" Notice the "Little Guys" below the finger

Little Fuzzy White Flowers

The Really Little One is white, close to the finger, The Little Five Pedal Purple one is HUGE compared to that one.

A weekend filled with "Lots of Little"

But with "Huge Enjoyment" in these "Little" Things

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