Monday, February 23, 2015

Anything Interesting Along the River??

Sunday February 22, 2015

Around 32 degrees, a little wind, a few "pellets" of snow, a great time for an excuse not to go, but we had committed ourselves to a hike. Given weather of the day we decided not to venture too far and decided to take the familiar hike to the south of the bridge.  We have never been disappointed as we have always seen something interesting. If there was to be a day with nothing interesting, today would be the day....cold and dreary.
The water was flowing nicely over the old beaver dams, and we heard a familiar call of a bird. American Robin!!  I have not seen one of these here in the year and a half we have been coming.  Robins were always an everyday spring through fall experience in our native Minnesota. But here it was special treat!  They have a wonderful call.  We  know there was a pair, as we heard both but saw only one.

Then we saw a huge flock of Pinyon Jays.  We see a pair quite frequently but have never seen such a huge flock.  They were flying to and from a big ol' Pinyon Pine tree.  Their calls are not so pleasant to the ears, but for today, this too, was a wonderful sound.

Shortly thereafter was the biggest surprise of all.  Take a look and if you have been following this blog you shall know why I was so thrilled.

Very Fresh Cuts!!

Yes indeed,  with the tell-tale tooth marks, there is absolutely no doubt, a beaver has been here recently!!!!!  From two previous blogs, from when the river was dry and we found the remains of two beavers I was really concerned whether when we would have beavers back  [Dry River Walk] & [No Name Ridge]

But here was proof.  We ventured further and it was clear one or more Beaver was very busy.

Many more bushes with fresh cuts

Very busy indeed

Difficult to see from Picture but much "repair" going on
 As we journeyed further we were also surprised to find a spot we hadn't noticed before where we could come next summer, have some lunch and enjoy the view in the shade of this great Juniper

The New Summer resting spot just before it started snowing.

Great View and Shady Spot Even With The Snow

The snow began to fall in BIG flakes

As the snow began to fall quite heavily, it was obvious it was time to head for home.  Our last find was another bird I hadn't seen in quite some time, a Killdeer, then a pair of ducks, mallards I believe.

So a dreary day for a hike but:
Robin, flock of Pinyon Jays, Killdeer, Mallards
Wonderful snow,
New summer lunch spot
Flowing river and
Best of all....Beavers are here.

Hopefully not an SDS Day!

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