Friday, January 2, 2015

Last Full Day of 2014/2015 Hiatus

Last Full Day 2014 Christmas & 2015 New Year 

Why do good things have to come to an end?

We decided to take a climb up the ridge behind the cabin and then loop around to Two Stick [The Ridge & Two Stick]   Perfect day; low 50's, no wind and plenty of sun. We will pack a thermos of hot chocolate and head up for an hour or so. Well, after almost three hours, we arrived back.  We climbed a new route up 575 feet which had a number of fun (boulder) challenges. We then traversed the ridge and descended to Two Stick. We sat, enjoyed the view and our hot chocolate.  After the short break we finished our decent and back to the cabin. Another perfect day, even if had taken the heart of the afternoon. Upon reflection; there was nothing more important than to enjoy this hike, on this day, on this ridge.

One can see our favorite Ponderosa Pine (from yesterdays Post) in the distant meadow, be it ever so small, from here.

The back of Two Stick (with four sticks) [Two Stick Explained]

 All good things must come to an end....just the way it is.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015! New Years Day

Hiatus, Day 12, New Years Day 2015

We headed out on a little chilly but otherwise perfect New Years Day.  Decided to hike direction south, on the west bank of the South Fork of the Kern River.  This is a trail we have hiked often. We thoroughly enjoy the varying sights of all the seasons, and there is always something new.

We are very thankful we can enjoy this river today considering this river was totally dry for a month or so this summer. [Dry Riverbed Walk]

River at bridge frozen over solid for a hundred yards or so right up to the first beaver dam. Then as it flows over the dam the river picks up speed whereby it is mainly open up for a mile or so, with but a few places frozen totally over. It would seem that when the ice first formed the water was about six inches higher than now, probably shortly after the last snow fall a couple of weeks back. It has been between 10 and 17 degrees at night and is most likely even colder down by the river, so the warmth of the day doesn't melt much of the ice.

Because we have walked here often, I found myself not fully appreciating the sights I was seeing. Yikes! How familiarity breeds indifference. Rats! This is in total conflict of my whole SDS theory[What is SDS]. A mental adjustment to one of awe and wonder, as I thus tried to imagine this might be my last visit down this frozen river. My enjoyment of the afternoon increased several-fold.

By in large, further comment is unnecessary.

Beaver Dam #2 directly to left, water to right flowing over the bank at side

Have you Hugged a Tree Today?  
Look closely to see our favorite Ponderosa Pine get another big hug from my favorite tree hugger and hiking partner!!

Look Closely as The Tree Hugger Strikes Again!

A Fun Rock Feature, But How Is It Possible?

Another day's "Treasure of Trash" carried out

At the end of our hiking day, the eastern mountain revealed tonight's moon,

New Years Eve Moon Rise

To All; May 2015 be One Great Adventure After Another and Have Happy New Year!